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FM359Canticles 6:9.My dove, My undefiled— <strong>The</strong> Virgin Bride ofChrist.Is but one— "That they may be one, as We are."<strong>The</strong> only one— To share the glory, honor andimmortality of Christ.Of her mother— <strong>The</strong> Oath-bound Covenant.She is the choice one— <strong>The</strong> specially favoredone.Of her that bore her— <strong>The</strong> antitypical Sarah.<strong>The</strong> daughters— Professed children of God.Saw her— Discerned her, at the time of themanifestation of the Sons of God.And blessed her— Called her blessed.Yea the queens— Those openly affiliated withworldly churches in union with worldlygovernments.And the concubines— Those secretly thusaffiliated.And they praised her— Acknowledged, in theend, that her course was right and her exaltationmerited.Canticles 6:10.Who is she— <strong>The</strong> Bride.That looketh forth— Beams resplendent.As the morning— <strong>The</strong> Millennial Morning.Fair— Pure, just, holy, good.As the moon— "<strong>The</strong> law is fulfilled in us whowalk not after the flesh but after the Spirit."Clear— Glorious, light-giving.As the Sun— <strong>The</strong>n shall the righteous shineforth as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father.""Who hath ears to hear, let him hear."And terrible— In the conquest of evil.

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