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Fountain and its 144,000 associates.— John4:14; Rev. 22:1, 17; Ezekiel 47:1-5.And God shall wipe away all tears from theireyes.— <strong>The</strong>re will be tears at first that willrequire wiping away, when they see all they havemissed. Nevertheless, "With gladness andrejoicing shall they be brought into the King'sPalace." (Psa. 45:10.) And it is a good place;there we leave them, to bask in the sunlight ofHis presence forevermore. We shall know themall, then, even as we shall be known by them.—1 Cor. 13:12.FM143REVELATION 8FOUR PRELIMINARYREFORMATIONSRevelation 8:1And when He.— <strong>The</strong> Lord Jesus, whoseprivilege it is to open them all.— Rev. 6:1.Had opened the seventh seal.— "<strong>The</strong> seal ofthe living God." (Rev. 7:2.) <strong>The</strong> opening of theseventh seal is progressive. <strong>The</strong> opening andunfolding of the Truth goes on as the saints aresealed. By the time the saints are all sealed intheir hearts and minds with the Present Truth, thedeepest features of the Truth itself will have beendisclosed. "<strong>The</strong> time will undoubtedly come in the nearfuture when the number of the Elect will becomplete. <strong>The</strong>n only such vacancies as mightstill occur by some falling out would remain."(Z.'14-68.)"God's people down through this Gospel agehave been privileged to know something of the‘Secret of the Lord'— the Divine Plan. But notuntil the last seal is broken, does the scroll flywide open, permitting the ‘<strong>Mystery</strong> of God' to befully disclosed; as it is written: ‘In the days ofthe voice of the seventh angel, when be shallbegin to sound, the <strong>Mystery</strong> of God should befinished, as He hath declared to His servants theProphets.' (Rev. 5:1; 10:7.)"— Z.'97-257.

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