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transferred. <strong>The</strong> two annually elected consuls orpraetores were regarded as joint heirs of the fullkingly authority, and as holding the imperium,and the correlative right of taking the auspices,FM268by direct transmission from the founder of thecity." (Brit.)(3) <strong>The</strong> Decemvirate, a rule of ten men, from 451to 449 B. C.(4) <strong>The</strong> Triumvirate, a rule of three men, from 59to 49 B. C. and from 43 to 28 B. C.(5) <strong>The</strong> Dictatorship of Caesar, 48 to 44 B. C.All of these forms of the old Holy RomanEmpire have completely passed away.[And] one is.— <strong>The</strong> Dragon, still represented inthe warring powers of Europe. (See commentson Rev. 12:3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17; 13:2, 4, 11;16:13.) <strong>The</strong> rulership of Papacy during the DarkAges, both directly in its temporal power, andthrough the governments which it controlled orinfluenced, and still influences, was— as hasbeen shown— merely another aspect of thegovernment of Pagan Rome, generally styled theEmpire, but in Revelation called the Dragon, andthe Devil, and Satan.And the other.— <strong>The</strong> final form, of Arbitrator(whatever be the official title).Is not yet come.— But is due to make itsappearance with the close of the war, some timeabout October 1st, <strong>1917</strong>. (See comments on Rev.16:17-21; Ex. 10:23.) Pastor Russell foretold thedarkness would come Oct. 1st. 1914, and it did!!And when he cometh, he must continue ashort space.— From the summer or fall of <strong>1917</strong>to the spring or summer of 1918. "<strong>The</strong> languageis indefinite, the words ‘must continue' alonebeing emphatic. It is a duration such that bymeans of it the Church should be exercised inpatience."— Cook.Revelation 17:11.And the beast that was.— That once exercisedtemporal dominion and, through influence of the

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