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That readeth.— Correctly interprets thesymbolisms. And they.— Plural.That hear the [words] WORD of this prophecy .—"All who have read and understood even a part of theteachings of the book were blessed as promised. Itwas an Important aid to Luther in deciding that thePapacy, of which he was a conscientious minister,was ‘Antichrist.'"— A28.And keep .— Keep the eyes upon, observe (so theGreek indicates).— Rev. 22:7.Those things which are written therein .— "<strong>The</strong>reis a blessing upon those who read this revelation,even though they do not understand, and a specialblessing upon those who hear and understand thewords of this prophecy, and who conform their livesto the things therein written."— Z.'16-343.For the time is at hand .— <strong>The</strong> fulfilments began atonce, in St. John's own day.FM13Revelation 1:4John to the seven churches .— Not merely theseven literal congregations mentioned in Verse 11and elsewhere, but to the epochs of the Church as awhole, from Apostolio days until now.Which are in Asia .— In the Orient, the East, theearly path of the sun. Before the Sun ofRighteousness can illuminate the world of mankind,its rays must first have passed through the Church,the first to greet and welcome the New Day.Grace be unto you .— May favor, unmerited, beyour happy portion.And peace .— <strong>The</strong> Lord's special legacy to HisChurch.— John 14:27.From Him .— Our glorified Lord and Head.— Rev.1:8.Which is .— Now self-existent, like the Father.—John 5:26.And which was.— <strong>The</strong> Logos, the Father's Agent in the creation ofall things (John 1:3), and subsequently, asman's Redeemer, "made a little lower than the angelsfor the suffering of death."— Heb. 2:9.And which is to come

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