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would bring thee against them?— Jehovahdeclares thatFM562these evil multitudes, who will shortly organize acrusade against the Jews, will be the ones ofwhom, thousands of years before, the HebrewProphets wrote.Ezekiel 38:18.And it shall come to pass at the same timewhen Gog shall come against the land ofIsrael, saith the Lord God, that My fury shallcome up in My face.— <strong>The</strong> Divine wrath offurious retribution will be against these classes.Ezekiel 38:19.For in My jealousy and in the fire of Mywrath have I spoken, Surely in that day thereshall be a great shaking in the land ofIsrael.— In jealous love for His beloved peopleand in jealous destructive (fire) wrath againsttheir assailants (D527) has God foretold a worldshakingholocaust of the hosts of evil in the landof Palestine, and a thousand years later of theminions of the Devil.Ezekiel 38:20.So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls ofthe heaven, and the beasts of the field, and allcreeping things that creep upon the earth, andall the men that are upon the face of the earth,shall shake at My presence, and themountains shall be thrown down, and thesteep places shall fall, and every wall shall fallto the ground.— <strong>The</strong> result will be that the men(fishes, C214) not under religious restraint(Z.'86:1), the most execrable of the people of theworld (fowls, C162), the revolutionarygovernments (beasts, A261), and all the lowestof mankind shall be thrown into revolutionarycommotion; and the nations (mountains, A318)shall be overthrown in anarchy, together with allthe civil powers (walls, D40) of the world.

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