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earth" (Matt. 28:18) is given unto Christ, andwillFM375be shared by His Bride and Joint-heir. (Rev.20:4.) "<strong>The</strong> terrible crystal"— literally "thereverential ice"— suggests the reverence due tothe ruling Christ Head and Body, and their ownreverential attitude towards the Father. <strong>The</strong> coloris that of ice, clear as crystal, pure, unmixed"truth in the inward parts" (Psa. 51:6),characterizing the new ruling powers in thespiritual phase of the Kingdom of God.Ezekiel 1:23.And under the firmament were their wingsstraight, the one toward the other: every onehad two, which covered on this side, and everyone had two, which covered on that side, theirbodies.— Beneath, subject to the direction of theChrist, Head and Church triumphant, are thewings (Word of God— Rev. 12:14). WheneverDivine Justice, Power, Love and Wisdom are inaction, the Word of God points straight up to theFather as the Source of every good thing.Ezekiel 1:24.And when they went, I heard the noise of theirwings, like the noise of great waters, as thevoice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, asthe noise of a host: when they stood, they letdown their wings.— <strong>The</strong> sound of the Father'sWord is as the voice of great waters (Rev. 1:15),mighty truths, in "the voice of speech," for thebenefit of His children. It is the voice of God,too, when spoken by His people. When DivineJustice, Power, Love and Wisdom operate uponhuman society, then the Word of God is in fullharmony therewith.Ezekiel 1:25.And there was a voice from the firmamentthat was over their heads, when they stood,and had let down their wings.— It is throughthe reigning Christ, Zion, that the voice ofJehovah shall sound forth. "<strong>The</strong> Lord will roar

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