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Which is poured out without mixture.—Different from Babylon's mixed wine.— Isa.5:20-22.FM223Into the cup of His indignation.— "<strong>The</strong> Lordour God hath put us to silence and given us waterof gall to drink, because we have sinned againstthe Lord."— Jer. 8:14; Isa. 15:17-20; Jer. 25:26-28; Rev. 18:6; 16:19; Psa. 60:3; 75:8.And he shall be tormented with fire andbrimstone.— Whoever worships, reverences,human institutions and doctrines more than theWord of the Lord has experienced the tormenthere specified. Doctrines of hell fire andbrimstone have been his portion.— Rev. 9:17-19.In the presence of the holy angels.— <strong>The</strong>Harvest workers on this side of the veil.— Matt.13:39.And in the presence of the Lamb.— "In thedays of the Son of Man;" after the SecondAdvent has taken place.Revelation 14:11.And the smoke of their torment.— "A noun,unlike a verb (or ‘time-word,' as the Germanscall it), does not indicate time. So ‘the smoke oftheir torment' may mean that of pain enduredonce for all, and then at an end. <strong>The</strong>re is nothingin this verse that necessarily implies an eternityof suffering. In a similar way the word‘punishment' or ‘correction' in Matt. 25:46 givesin itself no indication of time. Cp. Gen. 19:28;Jude 7." (Weym.)"About endless torment: "(a) <strong>The</strong> doctrine isfound nowhere in the Old Testament, nor anyhint of it. <strong>The</strong> expression, in the end of Isaiah,about the fire unquenched and the worms notdying, is plainly of the corpses of men upon thephysical earth."(b) <strong>The</strong> doctrine of endless torment was, as ahistorical fact, brought back from Babylon by theRabbis.

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