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people have so long been taught that thefoundation for this awful blasphemy againstGod's character and government is deeplaid andfirmly fixed in the Word of God— the Bible—and consequently, to whatever degree their beliefin "hell" is shaken, to that extent their faith in theBible, as the revelation of the true God, is shakenalso;— so that those who have dropped theirbelief in a "hell," of some kind of endlesstorment, are often open infidels, and scoffers atGod's Word.Guided by the Lord's providence to a realizationthat the Bible has been slandered, as well as itsDivine Author, and that rightly understood, itteaches nothing on this subject derogatory toGod's character nor to an intelligent reason, wehave attempted in this booklet to lay bare theScripture teaching on this subject that therebyfaith in God and His Word may be reestablished,on a better, a reasonable foundation. Indeed, it isour opinion that whoever shall hereby find thathis false view rested upon humanmisconceptions and misinterpretations will, atthe same time, learn to trust hereafter less to hisown and other men's imaginings, and, by faith, tograsp more firmly the Word of God, which isable to make wise unto salvation; and on thismission, under God's providence, it is sent forth.PRICE 10 CENTS (5d.) PER COPY.— 88 PAGES.Special wholesale rates to colporteurs and thosewho desire to aid in circulating these bookletswidely.ADDRESSWATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACTSOCIETYBROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A.BRANCHES: — LONDON, W.; ELBERFELD, MELBOURNE,COPENHAGEN, OREBRO, CHRISTIANA, GENEVA, YOKOHAMA.

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