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FM400refused my judgments and my statutes, theyhave not walked in them.— God taughtChristendom the principles of Justice and gaveher His law of Divine, self-sacrificing love— "Anew law, that ye love one another." (John 13:34.)Relatively to the light of Christendom andheathendom, Christendom is far the morewicked; for, having the instructions, exhortationsand examples of the Bible, she has both refusedthem and not walked in them.Ezekiel 5:7.<strong>The</strong>refore thus saith the Lord God; Becauseye multiplied more than the nations that areround about you, and have not walked in Mystatutes, neither have kept My judgments,neither have done according to the judgmentsof the nations that are round about you—Christendom under the blessing of God hasmultiplied in material things and in knowledgemore than heathendom, and yet has not only notwalked in God's Law of Love, but has not livedup to the standards of righteousness and justiceof the heathen. Chinese are more reliable inbusiness engagements than are Christians. Sometribes in Africa are more moral sexually than arewhites, and explorers have noted the naturalkindness of the negroes of Nyassa and Soudan.Ezekiel 5:8.<strong>The</strong>refore thus saith the Lord God: behold, I,even I, am against thee, and will executejudgments in the midst of thee in the sight ofthe nations.— Because of Christendom'swickedness against light, God is against thissystem calling itself by Christ's holy name, andwill execute upon it judgment of suchunprecedented awfulness as to constitute alasting lesson to "uncivilized" peoples.Ezekiel 5:9.And I will do in thee that which I have notdone, and whereunto I will not do any morethe like, because of all thine abominations.—<strong>The</strong> punishments come because of churchianity's

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