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Which thou sawest in My right hand.— Smallwonder that these great reformers seemed almost tohave charmed lives!And the seven golden candlesticks.— "<strong>The</strong>Candlestick, or Lampstand, represents the nominal,rather than the true Church. This is shown by the factthat in addressing each of these churches the Lordfinds fault with the many and approves the faithfulfew."— Z.'16-344.<strong>The</strong> seven stars.— "<strong>The</strong> star-light is the Heavenlylight, the spiritual enlightenment or instruction. <strong>The</strong>lamp-light is the earthly light, representing goodworks, obedience, etc., of those who are exhorted tolet their light so shine that it will glorify their Fatherin Heaven."— Z.'16-345.Are the angels of the seven churches.— "<strong>The</strong> title isborrowed from the Jewish Synagogue, in which theangel, or messenger of the assembly, was the personwho presided over and arranged the meetings forworship." (Cook.)— Mal. 2:7; Hag. 1:13.And the seven candlesticks [which thou sawest] arethe seven churches.— "Alas! <strong>The</strong> Master evidentlyfound but few good works, little glorifying lightshining out from His earthly representatives in manyof the seven epochs of the history of the Church."—Z.'16-344; Rev. 1:12; Zech. 4:2.FM23REVELATION 2ST. PAUL, ST. JOHN, ARUIS AND WALDORevelation 2:1[Unto] BY the angel.— <strong>The</strong> special messenger in theHarvest of the Jewish Age was St. Paul. A Hebrew ofthe Hebrews (Phil. 3:5), he was a free-born Romancitizen (Acts 22:25-29), highly educated (Acts 22:3),spoke Greek (Acts 21:37) and Hebrew (Acts 22:2),and was presumably a member of the Sanhedrin atthe time of St. Stephen's death. (Acts 7:58; 8:1;26:10.) Chosen before his birth (Gal. 1:15), he wassupernaturally inducted into the Body of Christ (Acts9:1-22) to take the place of Judas (Psa. 109:8; Acts1:20), was privately instructed in the fullness of theGospel (Gal. 1:11, 12, 17), was speciallycommissioned to explain this Gospel to the brethrenat Jerusalem (Gal. 2:1, 2), did not hesitate to correctthe erring Peter (Gal. 2:11), was acknowledged by St.

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