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down finally to oblivion, as one polluted with'iniquity.From chapters 25 to 32 Ezekiel prophesiedagainst seven foreign nations (Ammon, Moab,Edom, Philistia, Lyre, Sidon and Egypt),indicating ALL non-Christian elements.FM519EZEKIEL 33WHY ECCLESIASTICISMMUST PERISHEzekiel 33:1, 2.Again the Word of the Lord came unto me,saying, Son of man, speak to the children ofthy people, and say unto them, When I bringthe sword upon a land, if the people of theland take a man of their coasts, and set himfor their watchman.— A mutual responsibilityexists between one of God's watchmen and Hispeople, the one to speak and the other to listen.(33:1-19.) Ezekiel recites his warning ofJerusalem's fall. (33:20-29.) <strong>The</strong> people listen,but do not believe. (33:30-33.) This chapterrepeats the statements of 3:17-21 and 18:5-29regarding the watchman set to warn the people ofChristendom, his message and responsibility,and the responsibility of the Christian peopletoward the watchman— Pastor Russell, and hismessage and warning from God. "A man of theircoasts" refers to the clergy class appointed andordained by the people, and set by them as theirwatchman.Ezekiel 33:3.If when he seeth the sword come upon theland, he blow the trumpet, and warn thepeople.— Who of the clergy class have blownthe trumpet of Truth and warned "their" peopleof the impending doom of Christendom?Ezekiel 33:4.<strong>The</strong>n whosoever heareth the sound of thetrumpet, and taketh not warning; if the swordcome, and take him away, his blood shall be

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