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Canticles 7:3.Thy two breasts — "<strong>The</strong> breasts of herconsolations, whereof ye may suck and besatisfied, milk out and be delighted."Are like two young roes — "<strong>The</strong> Scriptures, theWord or God, quick and powerful."That are twins — <strong>The</strong> Old and New TestamentScriptures are identical in origin, spirit andpurpose.Canticles 7:4.Thy neck — Willingness to bear burdens.Is as a tower of ivory — Purity and strength.Thine eyes — Wisdom, Heaven-sent.Like the fishpools in Heshbon — Pure, deep.By the gate of Bath-Rabbim — Calm andstrong.FM361Thy nose — Scent for spiritual food.Is as the tower of Lebanon — Lofty, high,noble.Which looketh toward Damascus — "Visionsof beauty rise before us." "He that lacketh thesething is blind and can not see afar off."Canticles 7:5.Thine head upon thee — Thy reasoningfaculties.Is like Carmel — (Crimson.) "Come now andlet us reason together, saith the Lord; thoughyour sins be as scarlet they shall be as white assnow; though they be red like crimson they shallbe as wool."And the hair of thine head — Thyrighteousness. Woman's hair was given for acovering, and her glory. <strong>The</strong> righteousness ofChrist is the Bride's covering, and her glory.Like purple — Royalty. <strong>The</strong> robe of Christ'srighteousness, which the Bride now wears, willultimately become the robe of the Queen.

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