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Prophets' and Ancient Worthies referred to byour Lord and by the Apostles (Matt. 8:11; Heb.11:4-40), having passed their trial, will beawakened from death perfect."Just as Adam, while perfect, beforetransgression, could commune direct with theHeavenly powers, so will these Worthiescommune, when restored to the same state ofperfection." (D619.)"<strong>The</strong> veil which Moses wore before the people,but laid off when with the Lord in the Mount,would seem to typify the earthly phase of hisKingdom, the ‘princes in all the earth.' " (D630.)"<strong>The</strong> friendship of David and Jonathan seems tobe suggestive of that beautiful accord which shallexist between the glorifiedFM309Church and the earthly princes who shall be nextto them in the Kingdom of God. Each will bedelighted to fill his honored place in thewonderful Plan of God, and will love the other ashis own soul." (Z.'95-291.)"As we consider the heavens, the work of God'shands, and the innumerable worlds therein underpreparation for inhabitants, we may reasonablysuppose that these Ancient Worthies, who werefaithful during the reign of evil, even unto death,will have some further honorable service, notonly during the Millennial Age, butsubsequently. For various reasons, therefore, werank them higher in honor than the GreatCompany." (Z.'04-313.)"<strong>The</strong>se Ancient Worthies will be unlike theremainder of mankind, not alone in the fact thattheir trial is past while the trial of the world ingeneral will just be beginning; but they will beunlike them also in the fact that they will haveattained the reward or their faithfulness— theywill be perfect men. When Abraham, Isaac,Jacob and all the Ancient Worthies have beenresurrected, and shall appear amongst theregathered Israelites, their perfect minds willquickly grasp present-day knowledge andinventions. (John 7:15.) And as Jesus taught the

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