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had their sound sleep (Matt. 25:5; C92); theseven seals have been opened (Rev. 8:1); theseven angels have sounded (Rev. 10:7; B149);the nations are angry (Rev. 11:18); the winepressof God's wrath has been trodden (Rev. 14:20);the horses and chariot of fire have come forElijah (2 KIngs 2:11); the chariots are runninglike lightning (Nab. 2:4; C272); the mighty angelhas flown in the midst of heaven (Rev. 14:6); thefalse worshippers have been tormentedFM71with fire and brimstone (Rev. 14:10); Behemothand Leviathan have been beheld doing their work(Job 40:15-23; 41:1-34); the secret of the Lordhas been shown (Psa. 25:14; Z.'97-255); the Lordis Judging His people and gathering His saints(Psa. 50:4, 5; D75; B164); the lightnings haveenlightened the world (Psa. 97:4; A171); the hillshave melted like wax (Psa. 97:5; D551); thebanner has been lifted on the high mount (Isa13:2; D40); the tables are full of vomit (Isa. 28:8;Z.'07-91); the dumb dogs have failed to bark(Isa. 56:10; F287); the silver has been cast intothe streets (Ezek. 7:19); the nations have all beenshaken (Hag. 2:7; D528); the rain, floods andwinds have come on Christendom (Matt. 7:27;Z.'06-95); the King has come in to see the guests(Matt. 22:11; C197); the speechless one has beenbound hand and foot and cast out (Matt. 22:13;C201); the Master is reckoning with His servants(Matt. 25:19; F419); the seas and the waves areroaring (Luke 21:25; D551); the 144,000 arestanding on the sea of glass singing (Rev. 15:3;C237); the Devil has risen up against himself(Mark 3:26; F641); the blood, fire and vapor ofsmoke are here (Acts 2:19; D592); the brethrenare not in darkness and all others are (1 <strong>The</strong>ss,5:4; B121); the teachers having itching ears haveturned unto fables (2 Tim. 4:3; 4; F287; Z.'07-308); the twenty-four elders have cast theircrowns before the throne (Rev. 4:10); thepredicted scoffing has taken place (2 Pet. 3:3;B167); the laborers have received their penny(Matt. 20:8); and these are but 88 of the proofshastily collected.

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