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abandonded for mere trafficking for position andpower, and in human, earthly theories andphilosophies.Ezekiel 17:5.He took also of the seed of the land, andplanted it in a fruitful field; he placed it bygreat waters, and set it as a willow tree.— <strong>The</strong>remaining people of ecclesiasticism, more lowly,the seed from whom had once sprung the rulingclasses, will be planted in rich, deep soil, wellsaturated with waters of the great truths offraternity, equality and liberty.FM448Ezekiel 17:6.And it grew, and became a spreading vine oflow stature, whose branches turned towardhim, and the roots thereof were under him:so it became a vine, and brought forthbranches, and shot forth sprigs.— <strong>The</strong> newecclesiasticism, fostered by revivalists,evangelists, social and civic workers and otherearthly reformers, will grow and flourish into aform of ecclesiasticism, low, never far aboveearthly things, whose numbers (branches) tendedtoward anarchous systems of thought, and whoseroots, fundamental philosophy, will be under thesway of the same.Ezekiel 17:7, 8.<strong>The</strong>re was also another great eagle with greatwings and many feathers: and, behold, thisvine did bend her roots toward him, and shotforth her branches toward him, that he mightwater it by the furrows of her plantation. Itwas planted in a good soil by great waters,that it might bring forth branches, and that itmight bear fruit, that it might be a goodlyvine.—But the new, low-born ecclesiasticism,alarmed at the anarchous trend of thought, shallturn toward another great system of wisdom (aneagle) equally of demoniacal origin; i. e.,conservative, worldly wisdom tending to upholdthe present unholy state of affairs.

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