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Pastor Russell took for his motto, "I will standupon my watch, and set me upon the tower, andwill watch to see what He will say unto me."(Hab. 2:1.)He called his semi-monthly publication, "<strong>The</strong>Watch Tower"; and, firm in the belief that theSecond Advent took place in 1874, he includedas a sub-title, "And Herald of Christ's Presence."<strong>The</strong> north symbolizes the spiritual phase of theKingdom of God. (Isa. 14:13; D653.) PastorRussell beheld coming, permitted by God, agreat Time of Trouble, a whirlwind of warfare,revolution and anarchy. (Jer. 25:32, Psa. 58:9,10; D528.) It was the cloud accompanying theapproach to human affairs of Him for whoseKingdom many have so long prayed."Clouds and darkness are round about Him:righteousness and judgment are the habitation ofHis Throne, a fire goeth before Him and burnethup His enemies round about" (Psa. 97:2.)A conflagration, beginning with world war, isupon the earth, developing into revolution andanarchy. Fire symbolizes the last of thesemisfortunes. (Dan. 7:11.)<strong>The</strong> situation is complicated, infolding,perplexing. None of the national leadersunderstand the situation. To the poor world, ingross darkness, and lying "in the wicked one,"the cloud is full of darkness (Isa. 60:2), ofgloominess (Joel 2:2; Zeph. 1:15); but to thosewho are taken out of the world and into Christ, itis full of brightness and hope— a white cloud,with a silver lining. In the bright light of thedawning Day of Christ the faces of the Lord'speople light up with joy as they see these thingscoming to pass; for

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