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anarchists, strangers to thy theories, the terror ofthe nations— and also My pilgrims andstrangers, the sons of God, those whom thyphilosophy dreadest; and the anarchists shall turntheir weapons of destruction against thee, and thesons of God shall smite with the Sword of theSpirit thy falsely beautiful philosophy, and shallexpose the real pollution of thy wisdom.Ezekiel 28:8.<strong>The</strong>y shall bring thee down to the pit, andthou shalt die the deaths of them that are slainin the midst of the sea.— <strong>The</strong>y shall bring theedown to a dishonored oblivion; and materiallyand religiously thou shalt die the deaths of thoseslain in the roaring waves of anarchy.Ezekiel 28:9.Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee,I am God? but thou shalt be a man, and noGod, in the hand of him that slayeth thee.—Though thou sayest to the anarchy that shall slaythee materially and to Him that shall destroy theereligiously, "I represent God!"— yet thou shaltbe seen to be man-made and not ordained byGod, in the power of the destroyer appointed byJehovah.Ezekiel 28:10.Thou shalt die the deaths of theuncircumcised by the hand of strangers: for Ihave spoken it, saith the Lord God.— Thoushalt die the deaths of the wicked by the hand ofthe anarchists, and be destroyed religiously asone of unclean conscience (uncircumcised) at thehand of the sons of God, My strangers andpilgrims in the earth (1 Pet. 1:1); for Jehovahhath spoken it.Ezekiel 28:11.Moreover the Word of the Lord came untome, saying.— Verses 11 to 26 deal with thedestruction of the Devil, pictured as the King ofTyrus.Ezekiel 28:12.

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