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FM529commands for the persecution of heretics causesremission of sins. 15. He who kills one that isexcommunicated is no murderer in a legalsense."— <strong>The</strong> Canon Law, by Dr. G. F. vonSchulte, Professor of Canonical Law at Prague.Here the crafty and wicked Mother of Harlots,ecclesiasticism, asserts her infallible right topermit, directly or indirectly, any and everycrime possible for depraved humanity to commit.ECCLESIASTICISM A HOPELESS CASEProtestantism longs for the old-time power of theclergy. It has the spirit, disposition, of spiritualfornication, goes to the limit in its efforts tocontrol affairs through local, state, and nationalgovernmental agencies, and now is ready andwilling to ally itself with liberty-destroying papalecclesiasticism. It displays its true nature and itsindifference to the good of the people in itswilling eagerness to unite in any manner with theforce which has for centuries throttled liberty,banished the Word of God, and stified freedomin blood. Let not the people of Christendomoverlook this when the Protestant clergyadvocate church union, as they will. What can bedone with such an organization as apostateecclesiasticism? <strong>The</strong> truly Christian individual'sanswer must be to obey the Divine command,"Come out or her, My people, that ye be notpartakers [partners in] of her sins [outlinedforegoing, ad nauseam] and that ye receive notof her plagues." (Rev. 18:4.) <strong>The</strong> Lord's people,all that really have the Holy Spirit, will and must"come out of her," clean away from thisunhallowed partnership and federation withiniquity. Ecclesiasticism, however, may restassured that she will not suffer greatly in loss ofmembers or of persons of wealth and power; forbut few of the Lord's people are in her. Eachecclesiastic can be assured that "his people," thetares, the worldly church members, theBabylonians, the spiritual idolators andfornicators, the congregation of Molech, willstick by him until the heat of the fiery trials of

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