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FM451EZEKIEL 18"THE SOUL THAT SINNETH"Ezekiel 18:1, 2.<strong>The</strong> Word of the Lord came unto me again,saying, What mean ye, that ye use thisproverb concerning the land of Israel, saying,the fathers have eaten sour grapes, and thechildren's teeth are set on edge?— <strong>The</strong> Wordof God came to be clearly understood by PastorRussell as to the equity of Jehovah's dealingswith man in condemning all to death. Both Jewsand Christians have asked, "Hew is it just to visitthe sins of the fathers upon the children to thethird and fourth generations?" "Why have thechildren's teeth been set on edge by the fathers'eating the sour grape of sin?"— H59; E334, 309.Ezekiel 18:3.As I live, saith the Lord God, ye shall not haveoccasion any more to use this proverb inIsrael.— <strong>The</strong> doubters queried, "Doth not theson bear the iniquity of the father?" (18:19.)<strong>The</strong>y complained, "<strong>The</strong> way of the Lord is notequal" nor just. (18:25.) Pastor Russell,expounding the Word of God, demonstratedclearly that God's way is just (18:25); that man'sways are unequal, unjust (18:29); and that Godtakes no "pleasure at all that the wicked shoulddie, but rather that he should turn from his waysand live."(18:23-32.) <strong>The</strong> time will soon be whenthe scornful proverb shall no longer possess anyforce.— H46.Ezekiel 18:4.Behold, all souls are Mine; as the soul of thefather, so also the soul of the son is Mine; thesoul that sinneth, it shall die.— In the earthlyphase of the thousand-year probationaryKingdom of God the equal justice of God will bemanifest, father and son will be treated alike, noone dying for a parent's sin; but each soul that

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