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ago with the resurrection of Christ Jesus. <strong>The</strong>rethe Head of this Body of Christ came forth; andas surely as the Head has been born, so surelyshall the Body come forth. ‘Shall I bring to thebirth, and not cause to bring forth? saith theLord: shall I cause to bring forth and shut thewomb? saith thy God.' (Isa. 66:9.) Ah, no! ‘theMan-child, <strong>The</strong> Christ complete, the GreatDeliverer, shall come forth."— Z.'94-135."But," says one, "where is the fiery chariot that isto accomplish a cleavage between the Elijah andElisha classes?" We offer the suggestion that thefiery horses are lurid prophecies; the horsemenare Ezekiel and John, and the chariot is thevehicle in which their Message is brought to theElijah class. And do the Elijah class take to thatvehicle? <strong>The</strong>y do. And why? Because "the sheepfollow Him; for they know His voice." (John10:4.) <strong>The</strong> separation between the Elijah andElisha classes will be brought about in aperfectly natural way, by some using the chariotwhich the Lord provides, and others recognizingit, but not attempting to use it to mount to theskies. And What should we expect such a fierychariot would do when caught up into theheavens? <strong>The</strong> answer is prophetic, "<strong>The</strong> heavensbeing on fire shall be dissolved;" "<strong>The</strong> heavensshall pass away with a great noise;" "And all thehost of heaven shall be dissolved, and theheavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: andall their host shall fall down, as the leafFM64falleth from the vine, and as a falling fig from thefig-tree." (2 Pet. 3:12, 10; Isa. 34:4.) Evidentlythe circulation of the penny will have somethingto do with the burning of the tares!— Matt.13:40-43; Isa. 21:9.Forty days after Christ's resurrection Hisascension occurred. This confirms the hope ofthe Church's glorification forty years (a year fora day) after the awakening of the sleeping saintsin the Spring of 1878. <strong>The</strong> seven days before theDeluge may represent seven years, from 1914 to1921, in the midst of which "week of years" thelast members of the Messiah pass beyond the

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