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And [shall] give their power and strengthunto the beast.— Support it in its apparentlylaudable but actually selfish efforts in trying tostop the European war. "Deposit in his hands allthe available means which they possess."—Cook.Revelation 17:14.<strong>The</strong>se shall make war with the Lamb.—Endeavor to suppress the message of PresentTruth.— Rev. 16:14; 19:19.And the Lamb shall overcome them.— "Zionneed not fear; for God is in the midst of her, andwill help her. Her consecration is unto death, andher privilege is to prove her faithfulness: ‘<strong>The</strong>disciple is not above his Master, nor the servantabove his Lord. It is enough for the disciple thathe be as his Master, and the servant as hisLord.'— Matt. 10:24, 25."It will probably be in an effort at selfpreservationon the part of ‘Great Babylon'—'Christendom'— when she sees her power inpolitics, priestcraft and superstition waning, thatthe work of truth-spreading will be stopped asdetrimental to her system. And probably at thisjuncture the Elijah class, persisting in declaringthe Truth to the last, will suffer violence, passinto glory and escape from the severest featuresof the great Time of Trouble coming— just inthe crisis of affairs when men begin to feel thatdesperate measures must be resorted to, tosustain the tottering structure of Christendom.Although the exact time of the deliverance or‘change' of the last members of the Body ofChrist is not stated, the approximate time isnevertheless clearly manifest, as shortly after the‘door' is shut (Matt. 25:10)."— C231.For He is Lord of lords, and King of kings.—Has the entire situation under perfect control— isthe real Pope.— 1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 19:16.

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