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Catholic; Payne and Atseroth, also Dr. Nudd,who dressed Booth's leg; Garrett, in whosepremises he was killed; also Harold wasFM524a Roman Catholic; Mrs. Suratt and her son wereRoman Catholics; their house was theheadquarters for Roman Catholics and for theJesuit priests. All this was brought out before themilitary tribunal which condemned some of themto death. When John Suratt fled fromWashington he was taken charge of by Jesuits,and under a Jesuit convoy was carried toFrance."— Page 272."Catholics who shall assume the cross for theextermination of heretics, shall enjoy the sameindulgences and be protected by the sameprivileges as are granted to those who go to thehelp of the Holy Land. We decree, further that allwho may have dealings with heretics, shall beexcommunicated."— <strong>The</strong> Lateran Council(composed of candidates for Roman Catholic"saintship.').Papacy, the mother of harlots, also permits herclergy to become criminals: "Were even thelives of her ministers debased by crime, they arestill within her pale, and therefore lose none ofthe powers with which her ministry investsthem."— Catechism of the Council of Trent."A mortal sin is that which kills the soul anddeserves hell," says Archbishop John Hughes, ofNew York. Papal ecclesiasticism controls theeducation of the nations under threat of mortalsin: "Catholic electors (voters) in this country,who do not use their electoral (voting) power inbehalf of separate (religious public) schools, areguilty of mortal sin. Likewise parents not makingthe sacrifices necessary to secure such schools,or sending their children to mixed schools.Moreover, the confessor (priest) whowould giveabsolution to such parents, electors or legislatorsas support mixed schools, to the prejudice ofseparate schools, would be guilty of a mortalsin."— Right Reverend Charbonnel, Bishop ofToronto, Canada.

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