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hear (ear) the Word of God. <strong>The</strong>y will forceProtestantism's sons and daughters into service inwar and revolution; and the remnant will bedestroyed in the ensuing anarchy.Ezekiel 23:26.<strong>The</strong>y shall also strip thee out of thy clothes,and take away thy fair jewels.— Protestantismshall be stripped of her robes of selfrighteousnessand of her imitation jewels— thosenot truly Christianized; for they will cast off allpretense of religion.Ezekiel 23:27.Thus will I make thy lewdness to cease fromthee, and thy whoredom brought from theland of Egypt: so that thou shalt not lift upthine eyes unto them, nor remember Egyptany more.— Being no longer attractive or usefulto the ruling powers, she will perforce cease heradvances toward the grasping of worldly power.Ezekiel 23:28.For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I willdeliver thee into the hand of them whom thouhatest, into the hand of them from whom thymind is alienated.— All law-abiding people,and especially Protestant ecclesiasticism, hateand fear the lawless forces destructive of society;but into the cruel hands of such shall they bedelivered.Ezekiel 23:29.And they shall deal with thee hatefully, andshall take away all thy labour, and shall leavethee naked and bare; and the nakedness ofthy whoredoms shall be discovered, both thylewdness and thy whoredoms.— <strong>The</strong>se evilforces shall deal hatefully with Protestantism,take away all the results of her work, and stripher completely, because of the ultimate evilswrought by union of church and state.FM478Ezekiel 23:30.I will do these things unto thee, because thouhast gone a whoring after the heathen, and

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