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Reformation would have been set forward 150years.If therefore thou shall not [watch]REPENT.— Change your course of conduct.I will come on thee as a thief.— "Many todayhave the Sardis characteristics. To such this is awarning. SevenFM47times our Lord's Second Coming is described asbeing thief-like, stealthy. Those who are asleepwill be awakened only after His work ofdestruction has progressed. His presence will berecognized by the sleepers only as the noise ofspoiling the Strong Man's House graduallyincreases." (Z.'16-347; 1 <strong>The</strong>ss, 5:2; Matt. 24-43;2 Pet. 3:10.) "<strong>The</strong> stealthiness of the thief, notthe violence of the robber, is implied in theoriginal."— Cook.And thou shalt not know what hour I willcome upon thee.— "Failing to realize the factthat spiritual bodies cannot be seen by humaneyes without a miracle, some cannot understandhow He can be present while all things continueas they were since the beginning of creation.' (2Pet. 3:3, 4.) Thus they are unable to understand‘the signs of the times' revealing His return."—Z.'16-347.Revelation 3:4BUT thou hast a few names [even] in Sardiswhich have not defiled their garments.— Buthave given due heed to the Message of the hour,the Ransom.And they shall walk with Me in white.— Fullycovered by the robe of Christ's righteousness.For they are worthy.— None who trust insacrifices of the Mass or in other sacrifices thanthat of Calvary, can ever be worthy in God'ssight.— Matt. 10:37. 3:5.He that overcometh, [the same] THUS.— <strong>The</strong>test, apparently, was on the question oftransubstantiation.

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