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FM402EZEKIEL 6SWORD— FAMINE— PESTILENCEEzekiel 6:1-4.And the Word of the Lord came unto me,saying, Son of man, set thy face toward themountains of Israel, and prophesy againstthem, and say, Ye mountains of Israel, hearthe word of the Lord God; Thus saith theLord God to the mountains and to the hills, tothe rivers and to the valleys; Behold, I, even I,will bring a sword upon you, and I willdestroy your high places. And your altarsshall be desolate, and your images shall bebroken: and I will cast down your slain menbefore your idols.— This chapter relates to theDivine wrath, after 1918 A. D., upon thegovernments, symbolically called "mountainsand hills," and the rivers, the denominations.Ezekiel 6:5-7.And I will lay the dead carcasses of thechildren of Israel before their idols; and I willscatter your bones round about your altars. Inall your dwelling places the cities shall be laidwaste, and the high places shall be desolate;that your altars may be laid waste and madedesolate, and your idols may be broken andcease, and your images may be cut down, andyour works may be abolished. And the slainshall fall in the midst of you, and ye shallknow that I am the Lord.— All state churchesare to be destroyed, literally by the sword, and bythe truth about them in the Word of God, theSword of the Spirit. (2 Kings 23:13-22.) At thetops of the hills and mountains, the governments,are the altars, the centers of the nation's worship.Great sacrifices are made by the masses tomaintain these altars.

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