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also; for the spirit of the living creature was inthem. <strong>The</strong>n the glory of the Lord departedfrom off the threshold of the house, and stoodover the cherubim. And the cherubim liftedup their wings, and mounted up from theearth in my sight: when they went out, thewheels also were beside them, and every onestood at the door of the east gate of the Lord'shouse, and the glory of the God of Israel wasover them above. This is the living creaturethat I saw under the God of Israel by the riverof Chebar; and I knew that they were thecherubim. Every one had four faces apiece,and every one had four wings; and thelikeness of the hands of a man was under theirwings. And the likeness of their faces was thesame faces which I saw by the river ofChebar, their appearance and themselves:they went every one straight forward.— Seeexplanation of these verses in Chapter 1. (Hos.9:12) "Yea, woe also to them when I depart fromthem."FM424EZEKIEL 11THE WICKED COUNSELEzekiel 11:1.Moreover the Spirit lifted me up, and broughtme unto the east gate of the Lord's house,which looketh eastward: and behold at thedoor of the gate five and twenty men; amongwhom I saw Jaazaniah, the son of Azur, andPelatiah, the son of Benaiah, princes of thepeople.— <strong>The</strong> east gate types Christ, theentrance to true Christianity. (John 10:9.) At thedoor of the gate were the leading sects.Jaazaniah, the son of Azur (helper) types the ideathat by self-help man can please God. Pelatiah(Jab delivers), the son of Benaiah (Jab isintelligent), types the belief that earthly wisdomwill deliver the world from its difficulties. (1Cor. 1:21.) <strong>The</strong>se were "princes among thepeople"— very popular ideas.

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