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creatures, with his four faces.— <strong>The</strong> word"cycle," or "wheel," is familiar in bicycle,motorcycle, and in cycle as applied to epochs.<strong>The</strong> Divine attributes operate upon humansociety, the symbolic earth, in cycles, or ages(Eph. 3:11), and in the mechanisms of ages bywhich God's Plan is carried forward, Hischaracter, or face, is seen.Ezekiel 1:16.<strong>The</strong> appearance of the wheels and their workwas like unto the color of a beryl: and theyfour had one likeness; and their appearanceand their work was as it were a wheel in themiddle of a wheel.— Pliny says of the beryl orchrysolithos, "It is a transparent stone with arefulgence like that of gold." Says Smith's BibleDictionary, "<strong>The</strong> ancient chrysolithos, or moderntopaz, appears to have a better claim than anyother stone to represent the tarshish of theHebrew Bible." Gold is symbolic of thingsDivine. <strong>The</strong>se golden cycles are the Divinelyappointed ages in connection with the fourattributes ofFM374Deity. <strong>The</strong> Divine operations are not in onesimple age, cycle, or manner of operation, butcycle within cycle, age within age, manyoperations working together "manifold' (Eph.3:10), like a vast and complicated machine.Ezekiel 1:17.When they went, they went upon their foursides: and they turned not when they went.—Divine Justice conflicts not with Divine Love,nor with Wisdom nor Power, but all qualities arein simultaneous operation. <strong>The</strong>y proceed alonglines planned ages ago.— Jas. 1:17.Ezekiel 1:18.As for their rings, they were so high that theywere dreadful; and their rings were full ofeyes round about them four.— "As the heavensare higher than the earth, so are My ways (plans)higher than your ways." (Isa. 55:9.) <strong>The</strong> Plan ofthe Ages reveals the lengths, breadths, heights

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