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world war, was 27% in excess of value of all thecrops harvested in the United States in thebanner year of its history. This amount wouldgridiron the country with macadam roads sixmilesFM250apart, east and west, north and south. It is doublethe capital and surplus of every bank in thecountry. It is equal to our entire cost foreducation, from kindergarten to university, forten years."War is in open and utter violation ofChristianity. If war is right, then Christianity iswrong, false, a lie. If Christianity is right, thenwar is wrong, false, a lie. <strong>The</strong> God revealed byJesus, and by every spiritual leader of the race, isno God of battles. He lifts no sword— He asksno sacrifice of human blood. His spirit is love,His rule is peace, His method of persuasion isforgiveness. His law, as interpreted andpromulgated by the Nazarene, is ‘love oneanother,' ‘resist not evil with evil,' ‘forgiveseventy times seven,' ‘overcome evil with good.'‘love your enemies, bless them that curse you, dogood to them that hate you, pray for them whichdespitefully use you and persecute you.' Such aGod and such a law, others may reconcile withwar, if they can. I cannot; and what I cannot do, Iwill not profess to do. But I must go farther— Imust speak not only of war in general, but of thiswar in particular. Most persons are quite ready toagree, especially in the piping times of peace,that war is wrong. But let a war cloud no biggerthan a man's hand appear on the horizon of thenation's life, and they straightway begin toqualify their judgment; and if the war cloudgrows until it covers all the heavens, they finallyreverse it.This brings about the curious situation of all warbeing wrong in general, and each war being rightin particular.Germans denounce war, with the exception ofcourse of the present conflict with England.Englishmen condemn war, but exclude from

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