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.— Yielding the most exquisite harmony thatever fell onmortal ears.— Rev. 15:1-4; 4:10.And golden vials.— Incense cups, "spoons," similar to those usedat the Golden Altar.— Ex. 25:29; 30:1-9.Full of odors.— <strong>The</strong> sweet fragrance of patient hearts,precious in the Father's memory, pleading forlove and wisdom Divine.— Psa. 141:2; Ex.30:34-38; Lev. 16:12, 13; Luke 1:9, 10; Acts10:4.Which are the prayers of saints.— Every oneof which, by the Father's arrangement, has beenmade in the name of the One here honored.—John 16:23; Eph. 2:19, 5:9And they sung a new song,— "This means thatthe Divine Plan as a whole was here madeknown to Him— for He already had knowledgeof much of this— but all things were now givenHim."— Z.'16-253; Psa. 40:3; Rev. 14:3.Saying, Thou art worthy to take the book.—Worthy of "a name which is above everyname."— Phil. 2:9.And to open the seals thereof.— Disclose thewonderful method by which the Father willdevelop the saviors of the world.— Obad. 21.For thou wast slain.— He had sacrificed Hiswill, but this was not sufficient. "God wishedHim to sacrifice not only His will, but actually tolay down His human life. When all His testingswere completed at His death on the Cross, Godgave Him a name to which all should bow, bothin Heaven and in earth."— Z.'16-252.And hast redeemed.— "Agorazo This wordsignifies to purchase in the open market."—E443, 429; 1 Cor. 6:20; Gal. 3:13; Eph. 1:7; Col.1:14; 1 Pet. 1:18, 19.[Us].— Oldest MS., with evident propriety,omits us, since the Divine attributes andprophecies were not redeemed.— Z.'97-151.

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