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Of horses— Fond of their Master, quick to doHis bidding, easily guided, quiet, faithful,temperate, long-suffering.In Pharaoh's chariots— <strong>The</strong> best in the world.Canticles 1:10.Thy cheeks are comely— <strong>The</strong> Lord continuesto shower compliments upon His Espoused.With rows of jewels— Jewels of Divine Truth;the ornaments of a meek and quiet spirit.Thy neck— <strong>The</strong> yoke-bearing member; take Myyoke upon you; a yoke is built for two— Jesusand one other.With chains of gold.— <strong>The</strong> Divine nature. Eachact of loyal burden-bearing becomes a link in thegolden chain.Canticles 1:11.We— My Father and I.Will make thee borders— "A House not madewith hands eternal in the Heavens."Of gold— <strong>The</strong> Divine nature.With studs of silver— <strong>The</strong> House will be trulyyours; that which is your own.Canticles 1:12While the King— <strong>The</strong> Bride thus speaks of herLord.Sitteth at His table— Breaking the Bread ofLife to His Household.My spikenard— Devotion, as illustrated byMary's alabaster box.Sendeth forth the smell thereof — "Did not ourhearts burn within us while He talked with us bythe way, and while He opened to us theScriptures?" At such times the fires of Heavenlylove burn fiercest.Canticles 1:13.A bundle of myrrh— Wisdom. "In Him are hidall the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge."Is my well-beloved— Christ.

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