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FM231REVELATION 15THE SONG OF THE SAINTSRevelation 15:1.And I saw another sign.— Seemion, the sameword used by our Lord when He said, "<strong>The</strong>nshall appear the sign of the Son of Man." <strong>The</strong>proofs of the Lord's Second Advent are herereferred to.In heaven.— .Among God's professed people.Great and marvelous.— Very different in toneand contents from other Bible "helps."Seven angels.— <strong>The</strong> seven volumes of Studiesin the Scriptures.Having the seven last plagues.— <strong>The</strong> sevenvolumes of Studies in the Scriptures togetherconstitute the third and last woe poured out uponpapacy.— Rev. 16:1-21; 22:18.For in them is filled up the wrath of God.—<strong>The</strong>ir united testimony is that the Times of theGentiles have expired, the Reign of Christ hasbegun. all earthly potentates— Civil, Social,Ecclesiastical and Financial— must give way tothe New Order of things, and will not give waypeaceably, but must be ejected.Revelation 15:2.And I saw as it were a sea of glass.— <strong>The</strong>Time of Trouble made transparent. We can seewhy the Lord permits it, and see the Golden Ageof glory, peace and Divine blessing that lies justbeyond.Mingled with fire.— <strong>The</strong> coming anarchy."<strong>The</strong>y are the waves of the Red Sea, whichappears on fire as the Sun of righteousness arisesupon them, on the margin of which the trueIsraelites sing the song of Moses and the savingLamb! Standing on its shore are seen those wboare delivered from the beasts' sway as theIsraelites were in their exodus from the land ofPharaoh. <strong>The</strong> song of Moses is sung by delivered

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