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another wheel by another cherub: and theappearance of the wheels wasFM423as the color of a beryl stone. And as for theirappearance, they four had one likeness, as if awheel had been in the midst of a wheel. Whenthey went, they went upon their four sides;they turned not as they went, but to the placewhither the head looked they followed it; theyturned not as they went.— See Chapter 1 forexplanation. <strong>The</strong> leading face in the bead was theman's face, typical of Divine Love. This is thedominating attribute of God's character, directingthe course of the other three.Ezekiel 10:12.And their whole body, and their backs, andtheir hands, and their wings, and the wheels,were full of eyes round about, even the wheelsthey four had.— Every part of the Divinecharacter, as well as every operation of theDivine attributes and of the human beingsthrough which God acts is full of Wisdom.—B305.Ezekiel 10:13.As for the wheels, it was cried unto them inmy hearing, O wheel.— Very emphatic was theDivine directing of the attention toward thewheels— the Divine Plan of the Ages. PastorRussell always directed the Bible student's mindtoward the great Plan.Ezekiel 10:14-22.And every one had four faces; the first facewas the face of a cherub, and the second facewas the face of a man, and the third the faceof a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.And the cherubim were lifted up. This is theliving creature that I saw by the river ofChebar. And when the cherubim went, thewheels went by them: and the cherubim liftedup their wings to mount up from the earth,the same wheels also turned not from besidethem. When they stood, these stood; and whenthey were lifted up, these lifted up themselves

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