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truly God's people; and Jehovah, Just, Wise,Loving and Powerful, their God.Ezekiel 37:24.And David My servant shall be king overthem; and they shall all have One Shepherd:they shall also walkFM558in My judgments, and observe My statutes,and do them.— Over them as King shall beChrist Jesus, the Beloved Head of His Body theChurch, and the whole Beloved Christ, Head andBody, for all the other classes. Christ Jesus theHead shall be the Shepherd of the Spirit classes;and <strong>The</strong> Christ, Head and Body, the Shepherdand Pastor of all the others. All classes inHeaven and on earth shall walk in the royal Lawof Love.Ezekiel 37:25.And they shall dwell in the land that I havegiven unto Jacob My servant, wherein yourfathers have dwelt; end they shall dwelltherein, even they and their children, andtheir children's children for ever: and Myservant David shall be their prince for ever.—<strong>The</strong> promise to Jacob is to be understood as bothspiritual and earthly, a place spiritually typifyinga condition. <strong>The</strong> Jews, living and resurrecteddead, shall dwell forever in Palestine, given byGod to Jacob, wherein their fathers, Abraham,Isaac and Jacob, dwelt. <strong>The</strong> Little Flock and theGreat Company will dwell forever in theHeavenly condition, where their great Fatherdwells. <strong>The</strong> nominal Christians will dwell in thewhole earth, wherein their then Father, <strong>The</strong>Christ, Head and Body, dwelt in bodies ofhumiliation and sacrifice. <strong>The</strong> Christ shallforever be their King.Ezekiel 37:26.Moreover I will make a covenant of peacewith them; it shall be an everlasting Covenantwith them: and I will place them, andmultiply them, and will set My Sanctuary inthe midst of them for evermore.— God will

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