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then, in which to treasure every word He utters,and perfect bodies, too, in which to perform tothe full all God's holy will. We have the will todo it now. We have tried to understand HisWord, and tried to help others to understand it;but the best we could do was far from perfect.<strong>The</strong> Lord, in His love and mercy, has acceptedour best endeavors here as evidence of ourworthiness for the perfect opportunities thatawait us. "Ultimately the full number purposedby the great Householder will have been called,accepted, and found worthy through Christ tohave a place at that table— to share in that greatFeast. (Matt. 22:1-10.) At that feast, we areassured, will be a secondary company, notworthy to be of the Bride class. <strong>The</strong>se may befiguratively styled the bridesmaids, the GreatCompany class; for after the account of thegathering of the Bride we have the Lord'smessage to these subsequently delivered fromBabylon, saying, ‘Blessed are they that are calledto the marriage supper of the Lamb.' You canimagine the honors and joys of that greatbanquet!"— Z.'14-74.And he saith unto me, <strong>The</strong>se MY TRUESAYINGS, are the [true] sayings of God.—Ascend, beloved, to His joy;Thy festal day has come;To-night the Lamb doth feast His own,To-night He with His Bride sits down,To-night puts on the spousal crown,In the great Upper Room.Revelation 19:10.And I fell at his feet to worship him.— "Ifthere come to any of us a thought of doinghomage to the Lord's messengers or servants itwould be our duty to fully recognize that Godalone, however much He may use humaninstrumentalities in conveying His blessings, isto be honored and reverenced and appreciated asthe Author and Giver of every good and perfectgift.— James 1:17."— Z.'07-105; Rev. 22:8.And he said unto me, See thou do it not.— ButSatan said to the Lord, "All these things will I

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