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<strong>The</strong> chastity of an attractive and obedient youngnun may hang by the following slender thread:"When a nun receives precept from her prelate,superior, or confessor, she should immediatelyexecute it, not only to please them, butprincipally to please God, whose will is knownby their command. If then, you receive acommand from one who holds the place of God(a man-made priest!) you should observe it as ifit came from God Himself. <strong>The</strong>re is morecertainty of doing the will of God by obedienceto our superiors than by obedience to JesusChrist should He appear in person and give Hiscommand. <strong>The</strong> nun shall be most certain of nothaving to render an account of the actionsperformed through obedience; for these thesuperiors only, who commands them, shall beaccountable."— Liguori, "Saint," in Popishconstellation of fallen stars. According toCardinal Manning, a bright star in the RomanFM525Catholic heavens (page 89 of his "True Story orthe Vatican Council") the pope is infallible inmatters of faith and morals: and the canonizingor "saints" comes under this head. CardinalNewman on page 84 of his "Via Media," 1887edition, asserts concerning the canonizing of"Saints:""<strong>The</strong> infallibility of the church must certainlyextend to this solemn and public act,canonization; and that because so serious amatter, affecting the worship of the faithful, thechurch, that is, the Pope, must be infallible." Oneof the persons duly authorized by infallibleRomish canonization is "Saint" Bridget, wholived in 1360.This "saint" says: "<strong>The</strong> Pope is a murderer ofsouls. He destroys the flock of Christ and fleecesit. More savage is he than Judas, and more unjustthan Pilate, and worse and more wicked thanLucifer. He has exchanged all the tencommandments of God for this single one of hisown, "Give me money, money, money.'

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