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enable Christendom to have strength to standbefore God in the Time of Trouble.Ezekiel 13:6.<strong>The</strong>y have seen vanity and lying divination,saying, <strong>The</strong> Lord saith: and the Lord hathnot sent them: and they have made others tohope that they would confirm the Word.—<strong>The</strong>y have taken and taught fallacious anddelusive theories of evolution, destructivecriticism of the Bible, the Divine right of kingsand of clergy, and preached their people intosavage warfare, saying it was the Word of God,when God has not said it; and they have madeothers believe their lies.Ezekiel 13:7.Have ye not seen a vain vision, and have yenot spoken a lying divination, whereas ye say,<strong>The</strong> Lord saith it; albeit I have not spoken.—<strong>The</strong>y have misrepresented Jehovah.Ezekiel 13:8.<strong>The</strong>refore thus saith the Lord God; Becauseye have spoken vanity, and seen lies,therefore, behold, I amFM433against you, saith the Lord God.— WhereforeGod is against them.Ezekiel 13:9.And Mine hand shall be upon the prophetsthat see vanity, and that divine lies; they shallnot be in the assembly of My people, neithershall they be written in the writing of thehouse of Israel, neither shall they enter intothe land of Israel; and ye shall know that I amthe Lord God.— God will stretch out His handagainst these preachers. <strong>The</strong>y shall not be in theChurch triumphant (Heb. 12:23), nor shall theybe written as members of the spirit-born GreatCompany; nor shall they enter the Heavenlyphase of the Kingdom.Ezekiel 13:10.

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