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escaped unharmed and died of old age; Ariusdied a natural death; as did Peter Waldo, JohnWycliffe, Martin Luther and Charles T. Russell,although all had reason to expect martyrdom atthe hands of ecclesiasticism. <strong>The</strong> year that PeterWaldo died, his tenets were condemned by anecumenical council. "Wycliffe preachednmolested; but the Council of Constance (May 5,1415) condemned his doctrines, and in 1428 hisremains were dug up and burned; the ashes werecast into the adjoining Swift, which, asWordsworth poetically remarked, conveyed themthrough the Avon and the Seven into the sea, andthus disseminated them over the world. Hisdoctrines, carried into Bohemia, originated theHussite movement. <strong>The</strong> New Testament waspublished about 1378, and the entire OldTestament was completed shortly before hisdeath."— McC.I know thy works, that thou hast a name thatthou livest.— Many who admired Wycliffe werenot real Christians. A man not willing to go tothe stake for his religion has none.And art dead.— Spiritual]y.— Luke 9:60. 3:2Be watchful, and strengthen the things whichremain, that [are] WERE ready to die.—Many among Wycliffe's admirers lost faith andlove, and to that degree died, while others hadsome spiritual life. <strong>The</strong>se the Lord desired toawaken, to strengthen, to encourage.— Eph.5:14.For I have not found thy works perfect beforeMY God.— Revised Version reads, "For I havefound no works of thine fulfilled before MyGod."Revelation 3:3Remember [therefore] how thou hastreceived.— Received the entire Word in theEnglish tongue.And heard.— Wycliffe was the author of morethan 200 works, chiefly tracts, on the Ransom.And hold fast, and reform.— (Diaglott.) HadWycliffe's labors been properly appreciated, the

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