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ight, if their powers, etc., were properlyexercised; but from God's standpoint the systemsare abominations, and wrong from the verycenter. <strong>The</strong>se systems are based upon errors, andlike a corrupt tree, ‘cannot bring forth good fruit.'"<strong>The</strong> principal error was in this— the very basisof those systems— their claim to be the‘Kingdom of God' in reigning power. That idea,once admitted, justifies their persecution ofindividuals and nations, forcing them to submitand bow in obedience. Scripture accords thesepowers to the ‘Kingdom of God'— when ‘theKingdom is the Lord's and He is the Governoramong the nations; all the ends of the world shallremember and turn unto the Lord, and all thekindreds of nations shall worship before <strong>The</strong>e.'(Ps. 22:27, 28.) He shall ‘dash them in pieces asa potter's vessel.' (Ps. 2:9.) Unto Him every kneeshall bow, and every tongue confess. (Phil.2:11.) And if their claim be good, who canobject to them carrying out the Scripturalstatements? <strong>The</strong>se Antichrists, to make theirclaim of kingdom power appear true, had simplyto take another, viz., to compel obedience,backing up their right to do so by the Scripturesjust quoted. And not only was this great evilsanctioned, but their claim, once admitted, thatthe Kingdom was established and the reign inprogress, those who admitted it were hinderedfrom looking for the true Head of the Church toset up the true Kingdom under the wholeheavens, which shall break in pieces presentimperfect governments, establish righteousnessin the earth, and cause every knee to bow andevery tongue to confess, to the glory of God."—Z.'80-1-2.Revelation 13:13.And he doeth great wonders.— <strong>The</strong> strongesttext of Scripture forewarning against theimpending Church Federation is the strongesttext of Scripture forewarning against spiritism.(Isa. 8:9-22.) It is not by accident that thesewarnings are placed together. "We shall not be atall surprised if some later manifestation of the

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