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And to agree.— <strong>The</strong> European war would stoptomorrow if it were not for the officers holdingthe men to the task of butchery.And to give their kingdom unto the beast.—Put their liberties into the hands of the Papacy, asArbitrator.Until the words of God shall be fulfilled.—And the travail of nominal Zion shall discloseher true character.Revelation 17:18.And the woman which thou sawest.— <strong>The</strong>Apostate Church, the antitypical Jezebel.Is that great city.— <strong>The</strong> "HOLY ROMANEMPIRE."Which reigneth over the [kings] KINGDOMSof the earth.— "Expositors of every schoolgenerally agree that Rome Pagan, or RomePapal, or Rome under both aspects, is intendedhere. In order to repel the application to thePapacy, many Roman expositors also apply whatis said of the destruction of Rome, to thefuture— to Rome again become Pagan: This isthe hypothesis, observes Bishop Wordsworth, ofSuarez, Viegas, Ribera, Lessius, Menochius, C.… Lapide, and others, particularly Dr. Manningin our own day. Thus Stern writes: — Babylonis really the City of Rome, not only, however,according to the old-heathenish, but alsoaccording to the new-heathenish signification ofthe World's history."— Cook.Could there ever come a time when men, theworld over, could be more heathenish at heartthan now; and does not, therefore, even Papalcomment show that this Scripture is ready to befulfilled?Whene'er the storms come down on thee,And days of peace all seem to flee;This thought thy peace again shall bring,Why should I fear?— the Lord is King.E'en when the tempest rages high,And darkest clouds are drawing nigh,With hands of faith to this, O! cling,—Why should I fear?— the Lord is King.

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