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and ministers of an apostate Protestantism. <strong>The</strong>sekeep "their people" from real Bible study, andencourage them in their forgetfulness of God andtheir individual obligations to God, the Word ofGod, to fellow-Christians and to the world. <strong>The</strong>house is the House of the Sons of God, theconsecrated. <strong>The</strong> elders, chosen by the people,represented all the people. <strong>The</strong> Protestant clergycontinually sat before the Lord's steward, couldnot pick up a paper that they did not see hissermons in it; but they would not hear his words,and they rejected him and the truths which he soplainly and so kindly stated.FM410Ezekiel 8:2, 3.<strong>The</strong>n I beheld, and lo a likeness as theappearance of fire: from the appearance ofhis loins even downward, fire; and from hisloins even upward, as the appearance ofbrightness, as the color of amber. And He putforth the form of a hand, and took me by alock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me upbetween the earth and the heaven, andbrought me in the visions of God toJerusalem, to the door of the inner gate thatlooketh toward the north; where was the seatof the image of jealousy, which provoketh tojealousy.— Through the illumination of theHoly Spirit, the Ezekiel class is now taken upmentally into the powers of spiritual control, todiscern the significance of the evil done by Satanand the clergy. <strong>The</strong>y are brought to Jerusalem theanti-typical, to consider established priestcraft.<strong>The</strong>y are brought to the door of the inner gate,the gate of the altar between the people's courtand priest's court— (the same as the Tabernaclecourt.) <strong>The</strong>y are brought to the antitypicalTemple, to the Church of God, to the Lord'speople— "Ye are the Temple of God". (1 Cor.3:16.) "I am the Door" (John 10:9.) <strong>The</strong> Doorrepresents Christ, through whom all that entermust come. <strong>The</strong> North symbolizes the seat ofDivine government, the spiritual phase of theKingdom. (Isa. 14:13.) <strong>The</strong> Door, Christ, lookstoward, tends toward spiritual things. Those that

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