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members were men of the blackest character(Sabeans, descendants of Ham, disfavored ofGod), who belonged outside the pale of religion,who adorned themselves with seeming characterjewels and crowns of inherent immortality, notof God, but of Plato.Ezekiel 480Ezekiel 23:43.<strong>The</strong>n said I unto her that was old inadulteries, Will they now commit whoredomswith her, and she with them?— It seemedimpossible that the churches should unite withsuch evil men, to gain influence and power.Ezekiel 23:44.Yet they went in unto her, as they go in unto awoman that playeth the harlot: so went theyin unto Aholah and unto Aholibah, the lewdwomen.— Nevertheless, both Romish andProtestant ecclesiasticism did so.JUDGED BY GOOD MEN,PUNISHED BY EVIL MENEzekiel 23:45.And the righteous men, they shall judge themafter the manner of adulteresses, and after themanner of women that shed blood; becausethey are adulteresses, and blood is in theirhands.— But men with a sense of decency,justice and the fitness of things will condemnboth churches, Romish and Protestant, asadulteresses were judged among the Hebrews—stone them to death with hard facts, and by theravages of revolution and anarchy.Ezekiel 23:46.For thus saith the Lord God, I will bring up acompany upon them, and will give them to baremoved and spoiled.— God will bring upagainst them a great rabble of people with a keensense of outraged justice— Socialists, tradesunionmen, laborites, social democrats, nihilistsand anarchists. Also a multitude of God's

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