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discipline of the Lord in fiery trials. Howotherwise can the dross be eliminated?<strong>The</strong>re is no other way. Wherefore, think it notstrange; let the fire burn; let the dross beconsumed; and see to it, beloved, that in the heatof the flame you remove not the ‘livingsacrifice.'"— Z.'96-44; 1 Pet. 4:12.FM68That thou mayest be rich.— "For ye know thegrace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though Hewas rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, thatye through His poverty might be rich."— 2 Cor.8:9; Prov. 10:22; Luke12:21; 1 Tim. 6:18; Jas.2:5; Rev. 2:18.And white raiment.— "<strong>The</strong> robe of Christ'simputed righteousness, which so many are nowdiscarding, to appear before God in their ownunrighteousness."— D42; Rev. 19:8.That thou mayest be clothed.— "A gloriouschurch, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any suchthing."— Eph. 5:27.And that the shame of thy nakedness do notappear.— "Behold I come as a thief. Blessed ishe that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lesthe walk naked and they see his shame."— Rev.16:15; Matt. 22:11-13; Isa. 47:3.And anoint thine eyes with eyesalve.— Fromthe Great Physician. (Mark 2:17.) "Completeconsecration and submission to the Divine willas expressed in the Scriptures."— D42.That thou mayest see.— "<strong>The</strong> ‘master of thehouse' or ‘householder' of the presentdispensation is not our Lord, but our Adversary,the Devil— 'the god of this world,' ‘the prince ofthe power of the air,' ‘the prince of this world,'who now ruleth in the children of disobedience,blinding the minds of all that believe not."—D611; 2 Cor. 4:4; Eph. 2:2; Psa. 13:3; 19:8; John9:6, 41.FM3:19As many as I love.— "As many as are honestand at heart loyal to God."— Z.'92-59.

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