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eally feed the Lord's sheep, and they shall nomore be dismayed or lacking (Jer. 23:4); that theLord will give the people a heart to know Him,and they shall return to Him with their wholeheart (Jer. 24:7); that the children shall comeagain from the land of the enemy; that thechildren shall no longer suffer for the sins of-theparents, and they shall teach no more every manhis neighbor and every man his brother, saying,Know the Lord, for they shall all know Himfrom the least even unto the greatest (Jer. 31:16,29, 34); that the Lord will give the people oneheart and one way and make an everlastingcovenant with them, and not turn away fromthem to do them good; and they shall not departfrom Him (Jer. 32:39, 40); that mankind will fearand tremble at all the goodness and prosperityJehovah shall bring to them when He haspardoned all their iniquities and transgressions(Jer. 33:8, 9); that they shall be at rest and at easewith none to make them afraid (Jer. 46:27); thatthe Moabites and Elamites shall return to theirformer estate (Jer. 48:47; 49:39); and that inthose days the penitent, together, going andweeping, shall seek the Lord their God and askthe way to Zion, saying, Let us Join ourselves tothe Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall neverbe forgotten.— Jer. 50:4, 5.(10) Ezekiel foretold a coming time when theLord will take away the stony heart out of thepeople and give them hearts that are warm andtender (Ezek. 11:19); that the Sodomites, theSamaritans and the Jews— who were twiceFM90as bad as either of the others— shall all return totheir former estate, and the Lord will establishHis covenant with them and be pacified towardsthem (Ezek. 16:55, 61-63); that it will no morebe true that the children suffer for the sins oftheir parents (Ezek. 18:2); that it will not benecessary then for anybody to die (Ezek. 18:31,32); that the people shall dwell safely and buildhouses and plant vineyards with confidence(Ezek. 28:26); that the Lord will cause the evilbeasts to cease out of the land; and that the

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