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emoved, we shall have a reign of evil all overthe earth. <strong>The</strong> evil spirits will do all the evil thatis in their power, and this will constitute the trialof all the fallen angels— the lifting of therestraints to see whether they will go contrary tothe Divine will. All who thus manifest theiralliance with evil in any way will becomesubjects of the Second Death; while others whoshow their loyalty to God will mark themselvesas worthy, presumably, of everlasting life.It may be something in connection with thesaints that will constitute the test of these angels.This will be the key, the secret connected withthe awful Time of Trouble which the Bible tellsus will mark the conclusion of this Age andwhich will constitute the forerunner or beginningof the New Dispensation." (Z.'11-359.) THETEST IS ON.On the earth, nor on the sea, nor on anytree.— "Symbolically, the earth representsorganized society; the sea represents thedisorganized masses (Dan. 7:2; Luke 21:25; Rev.17:1, 5), and the trees represent the Household ofFaith. <strong>The</strong> letting loose suddenly of the fallenangels will account well for the suddenness ofthe coming trouble, which everywhere in theScriptures is one of its particular features— 'inone hour'; ‘suddenly as travail upon a woman';‘as it was in the days of Noah,' and ‘as it was inthe days of Lot.' "— Z.'11-157."<strong>The</strong>re is only one way, so far as we can see, inwhich these fallen angels can have a trial, theirtrial consisting in having a fuller opportunity tosin, if they so desire, or an opportunity to show,if they wish, that they are sick of sin and desireto return to harmony with God. We cannot thinkthat God will allow this trial of the angels duringthe Millennial Reign, for then, nothing shall hurt;nothing shall destroy; Satan will be bound andall evil influences will be restained. No; it cannotbe then. And in order to be tried at all, thesefallen angels must have certain liberties granted,to prove them. Otherwise, where would be theirtrial? Consequently, reasoning along this basis (2Peter 3:7), we reach the conclusion that the trial

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