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And they that dwell upon the earth.— <strong>The</strong>people of France, then infidels, without anyhopes except for the present poor earth-life.[Shall] rejoice over them, and make merry.—Literally fulfilled when the Assembly proscribedthe Scriptures.And [shall] send gifts one to another.—Literally fulfilled, fulfilled, the gifts beingexpressions of joy over the sudden liberty," "acustom usual in times of festivity.— Neh. 8:10,12; Esth. 9:19, 22."— Cook.Because these Two Prophets tormented.— Bycontinuing to proclaim the coming Reign ofChrist and His Church.<strong>The</strong>m that dwelt on the earth.— <strong>The</strong> classeswhose hopes and destinies are earthly.Revelation 11:11.And after three days and an half.— Threeyears and one half.<strong>The</strong> Spirit of life from God entered into<strong>The</strong>m.— In a symbolic sense <strong>The</strong>y were "raisedfrom the dead."— Ezek. 37:5, 9, 10, 14.And <strong>The</strong>y stood upon <strong>The</strong>ir feet.— See Ezek.37:10. "In 1793, a decree passed the FrenchAssembly suppressing the Bible. Just three yearsafter, a resolution was introduced into theAssembly superseding the decree, and givingtoleration to the Scriptures. That resolution layon the table six months, when it was taken up,and passed without a dissenting vote. Thus, injust three years and a half, the Witnesses ‘stoodupon their feet.'"— Smith.FM177And great fear fell upon them which sawthem.— "Nothing but the appalling results of therejection of the Bible, could have induced Franceto take her hands off these Witnesses." (Smith.)"In the light of the foretold character of comingevents of this battle, we may regard the FrenchRevolution as only the rumbling of distantthunder, giving warning of an approachingstorm; as a slight tremor preceding the general

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