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Ezekiel 39:16.And also the name of the city shall beHamonah. Thus shall they cleanse the land.—<strong>The</strong>re shall (a) be a city there named Multitude(Hamonah, Multitude). Thus shall they cleansethe land; and then (b, c) and beyond the thousandyears there shall be a perfect government (city)FM566— not such a government as Satan wouldestablish again, not usurped by the few, Satanand his agents, but a government, under God—of multitudes of restored and perfect men— aDivine Republic, called "Multitude."Ezekiel 39:17.And, thou son of man, thus saith the LordGod; Speak unto every feathered fowl, and toevery beast of the field, Assemble yourselves,and come; gather yourselves on every side toMy sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you, even agreat sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel,that ye may eat flesh, and drink blood.— Godsays: (a) When the proud revolutionists shall setthemselves in array against His people, to call tothe most execrable of men (fowls) and to therevolutionary rulers (beasts); Come to the greatdestruction of hosts of rebellious humanity,where you, in anarchy, shall destroy thesepeople; symbolically (b, c) a call to the farsightedspiritual ones (eagles) and the believingones of earth (beasts— members of the Lion ofthe Tribe of Judah) to gather themselves to feastupon, to destroy with the weapons of DivineTruth, the evil doctrines (flesh, as the flesh ofJesus symbolizes true doctrines) and thecorrupting errors (blood) of Satan.Ezekiel 39:18.Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drinkthe blood of the princes of the earth, of rams,of lambs, and of goats, of bullocks, all of themfatlings of Bashan.— <strong>The</strong>y shall (b, c) consumethe sophistries of Satan (the mighty), andannihilate the errors of earth's great falseteachers and rulers— New Thought doctrines of

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