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shalt see greater abominations than these.And He brought me into the inner court of theLord's house, and behold, at the door of thetemple of the Lord, between the porch and thealtar, were about five and twenty men, withtheir backs toward the temple of the Lord,and their faces toward the east; and theyworshipped the sun toward the east.— In thecourt itself, (1 Kings 6:36), in the very presenceof the blood-bought sacrifice, these men weregathered. Only priests and Levites might be inthis court. <strong>The</strong>y typified the believers and spiritbegottenones of the Christian Church. <strong>The</strong>ywere divided into about twenty-five courses orsections and served in rotation. <strong>The</strong>se typed thedivisions of Christians into about twenty-fiveprincipal denominations.FM416In the United States these are Adventists,Baptists, Brethren (Dunkards), Catholics(Greek), Christian, Churches of Christ Scientist,Churches of God, Congregationalists, Disciplesof Christ, Evangelical, Friends, GermanEvangelical Protestant, German EvangelicalSynod, Latter Day Saints, Lutherans,Scandinavian Evangelical, Menonites,Moravians, Methodists, Pentecostals,Presbyterians, Protestant Episcopals, Reformed,Salvation Army, and United Brethren. With theirbacks toward the Temple of the Lord (Jer. 2:27),these treat with contempt and scorn the littlecompany of God's true saints, rich in faith, "theTemple." To turn the back is a gross insult. <strong>The</strong>irfaces are toward the east. (Jer. 8:2.) All thesedenominations worship the fire-god, the sun, theheathen god whose identity with paganismappears foregoing.Ezekiel 8:17.<strong>The</strong>n He said unto me, Hast thou seen this, OSon of man? Is it a light thing to the house ofJudah that they commit the abominationswhich they commit here? for they have filledthe land with violence, and have returned to

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