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others can appreciate the joy you have inproclaiming Present Truth." (C236.)"One by one the ‘feet' class will pass from thepresent condition, in which, though often wearyand wounded, they are always rejoicing, to theother side the veil;-'changed' in a moment, in thetwinkling of an eye, from mortality toimmortality, from weakness to power, fromdishonor to glory, from human to Heavenlyconditions, from animal to spirit bodies." (C237.)"Instead of the Kingdom waiting for the livingmembers to finish their course, the Kingdomwork began at once; and the living ones on thisside the veil are privileged to know ‘themysteries of the Kingdom' and to engage inKingdom work before their ‘change;' add as theydie (will not fall ‘asleep,' but) will be ‘changed'in the moment of death, resurrected as part of theblessed and holy First Resurrection."— D622.[And] FOR their works do follow them.—"<strong>The</strong>ir work will not cease with this change; forall those who will be counted worthy of thatchange to glory will be already enlisted in theservice of the Kingdom on this side the veil:only the weariness, the labor feature, will ceasewith the change." (C238.)"We may not be able to judge accurately as towhat features of the great work are now beingcarried on by the Lord and His glorified saintsbeyond the veil; but we may be sure that they areactive participants in the work assigned themembers of the same Kingdom class, whosecourse and service are not yet ended on this sidethe veil— the Harvest work."-D624; 1 Cor.15:58.14:14. [And I looked], and behold a whitecloud.— See Rev. 10:1. As the cloud indicatesthe Time of Trouble, so the white indicates thepure motive back of it.And upon the cloud [one sat] I SAW ONESITTING like unto the Son of Man.— "To theJewish House Jesus presented Himself in threecharacters— as Bridegroom (John 3:29), Reaper(John 4:35, 38) and King (Matt. 21:5, 9, 4). To

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