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typing that number of conditions or activitiesamong those resurrected and perfected orprogressing toward human perfection. Each ofthe four corner courts upon the lower pavementwill be 30 by 40 cubits in size and will besurrounded by a row of structures under whichwill be the boiling places for the preparation ortheir sacrifices to be eaten by the people. (Ezek.46:21-24.) At the center of the east, north andFM580south lower pavements will be the outer gates,like covered corridors or lobbies extendingentirely across the 50-cubit pavement to the outercourt proper, as shown in Figure 3.<strong>The</strong> corresponding 50-cubit pavement of theinner court is not definitely termed a pavement,but the name is inferred from the designation"lower pavement" for the outer court pavement.It will contain the inner court gate, and buildingsfor certain activities of the priests and theLevites. <strong>The</strong> inner court 50-cubit pavementleaves an inner space of 100 cubits square— theinner court proper— facing the Temple and withthe brazen altar in the middle. This 100-cubitwidearea will extend west about the Templeplatform, surrounding it on the north, west andsouth, with an open space 20 cubits wide, called"the separate place."On the upper pavement, flanking the Templenorth and south, and of the same length— 100cubits— as the Temple, will be two buildings oneach side for the priests, called the "priests'chambers." <strong>The</strong>se buildings will be separatedfrom each other by a 10-cubit walk along thecenter line of the upper pavement. <strong>The</strong> outer ofeach of the two parts of "priests' chambers" willbe 50 cubits long, half the length of the innerbuildings. <strong>The</strong>se are located on the upperpavement. At the rear or west end of the upperpavement will be little square courts, similar tothe corner courts of the lower pavement, andused by the priests for boiling and baking the

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