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Ezekiel 11:2.<strong>The</strong>n said He unto me, Son of man, these arethe men that devise mischief, and give wickedcounsel in this city.— <strong>The</strong>se teachings haveactuated many of the erroneous beliefs andwicked acts of nominal Christians.CHRISTENDOM THE CALDRONEzekiel 11:3.Which say, it is not near; let us build houses:this city is the caldron, and we be the flesh.—Ecclesiasticism's thought is that the Time ofTrouble is not near, and the destruction ofChristendom is not to be thought of. (1 <strong>The</strong>ss,5:3.) "Let us build houses" is an expressionimplying confidence in the permanence of thingsas they are. (2 Pet. 3:4.) "This city is the caldron,and we be the flesh" (Jer. 1:13) is a proverb, hereapplied to the iron sides of the caldron keepingaway the fire, or in antitype civil and militarypowers, protecting from actual anarchy (fire),however hot things may become.Ezekiel 11:4, 5.<strong>The</strong>refore prophesy against them, prophecy,O son of man. And the Spirit of the Lord fellupon me, and said unto me, Speak: Thussaith the Lord; Thus have ye said, O house ofIsrael: for I know the things that come untoyour mind, every one of them.— <strong>The</strong> falseteachings of the clergy are nothing new. Everyone of them is the old worship of Nimrod andBaal.FM425Ezekiel 11:6.Ye have multiplied your slain in this city, andye have filled the streets thereof with theslain.— <strong>The</strong>re never was a war that a clergy, didnot preach "their people" into it, and multiply theslain. Furthermore, the number is legion of thosewho would have liked to gain spiritual life, butthe clergy have discouraged (John 7:48), and inmillions of cases caused their actual death.

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